Íblástrarfyrilestur um Blue Biotechnology og EU, sum Torger Børresen helt 7. mars 2011
Samandráttur: Hvad forstås med Blue Biotechnology
PP-Framløgan um Blue Biotechnology er at síggja her
Áhugaverdar greinar, ið Torger Børresen vísti á (m.a. ein review-gein yvir tara, sum hann nevndi var eitt "must", um ein ætlaði, at arbeiða við tí):
1. Review-Bioactive compounds in seaweeds - Holdt and Kraan 2011.pdf
2. Background and recommandation on furture actions for integrated marine biotechnology
R&D in Europe
4. BioMarine Business Convention, Nantes, France, Sep. 2011
5. Havet - en uudnyttet ressource
6. Nýggjasta frágreiðingin:
Marine Biotechnology: A New Vision and Stategy for Europe - sí eisini ESF
7. Arðar:
Nature1.pdf, Nature2.pdf, Nature3.pdf, Nature4.pdf, Nature5.pdf,
Roundtable on marine biotechnology.pdf