NordBio verkætlanin varð sett í gongd á einum fundi í Reykjavík 5. feb. 2014.
Hetta er ein 3-ára-verkætlan, sum íslendski formansskapurin fyri 2014 hevur sett á skrá. Niðanfyri eru nakrar av framløgunum frá ráðstevnuni og nakrar stuttar frágreiðingar um ymisku evnini (2 síður hvør):

Alment um The Nordic Bioeconomy Inaitiativ - NordBio
Alment um Analysis and mapping as basis for the strategy and policy recommandations in the Nordic Bioeconomy

1. Innovation in the Noric bioeconomy
2. WoodBio - Wood biomass in the Nordic Bioeconomy
3. Marina - Emission reduction and increased use of alternative fuels in marine applications

4. ERMOND - Natuaral disasters - Nature's solutions
5. Biophilia - Creativity as an educational and scientific tool

Niðanfyri er stuttur tekstur um initiativið og tey undirliggjandi 5 modulini:

On the behalf of the Icelandic presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2014 I would like to thank all the participants at the NordBio kick-off meeting hold in Reykjavik on 5th of February.

All lectures were recorded and are now available here:

Allar NordBio's powerpoint presentations verða tøkar her (seinni)